Fostering Safety Through Cutting-Edge Training

Virginia Sex Offender Treatment Association
What is the Virginia Sex Offender Treatment Association?
The Virginia Sex Offender Treatment Association (VSOTA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing state-of-the-art clinical training, research, education, and a networking platform for a variety of professionals who provide assessment, treatment, supervision, security, forensic, and legal services to adult and juvenile sexual offenders and their families.
The VSOTA is best known for its annual three-day statewide conference that has occurred each Spring since the early 1990s, typically recruiting a wide range of local and nationally renowned speakers for approximately 450 attendees. Additionally, the VSOTA has recently begun co-sponsoring supplementary training events in various regions of the Commonwealth.
Logistically, the VSOTA conference along with its regional training events are organized by its Board - a core group of public and private sector professionals, who bring diverse skills, knowledge, and experience to the field of public safety with a mission to eliminate sexual victimization.